Training Course
Courses on databases, machine learning, AI development
The course is designed for both new developers approaching Flutter for the first time and those with limited development experience. Request informationDuration: 30 hours
Classroom equipment: A projector and a computer for each participant.
Course Goals
Course programme
- Cycles: for, while, do while
- List and foreach
- for… in
- Ternary Operator
- Classes and Objects
- What is Null Safety and Null Safe functions
- Preparing the development environment with VSC (Visual Studio Code)
- The first app with Flutter
- The Structure of a Project
- Using Scaffold and the Widget Tree
- Column, ElevatedButton and Image
- The SnackBar
- Container and SingleChildScrollView
- Choosing Themes and Styles
- The State of flutter (the setState method)
- Creating the Interface: TextField and DropDownButton
- Managing Space: resizeToAvoidBottomInset, Padding and Spacer
- Asynchronous programming (http.get and then)
- Model Classes
- From JSON to Map
- Using ListView
- Navigating to a Second Screen
- Handling Errors
- Developing an App with Rest Api Calls
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